Strawberry Drizzle

Personally, I prefer drizzle's to Jams and Jellies. Drizzle is still in a liquid state and can be used as flavoring for breads, cakes, drinks, ice creams and more.

Drizzle's are my favorite way to can because they can be used in many ways. Drizzle's can be used in place of sugar in recipes (i.e. one cup sugar = 1 cup drizzle). In my house we use drizzle's for baking, cakes, syrup, salad dressing, oatmeal and more.

Strawberry Drizzle
12 Cups Sliced Strawberries
1/4 cup lemon juice
7 Cups of granulated sugar.

Fill Water Bath Caner with water and bring to a rolling boil. While the water is boiling thoroughly wash all of your jars and lids in soap and water.

  • Place strawberries in a large pot and smash using a spoon or potato masher.

  • Stir in lemon juice.

  • Bring mixture to a rolling boil over high heat while stirring.

  • Reduce heat and add sugar. Than bring pot to a rolling boil again.

  • Remove from heat and skim foam off the top.

  • Ladle Jam into the jars and place lids on top.

  • Seal Jars and move them into the water bath. Allow to boil for a minimum of 10 minuets.

  • Remove jars and let sit for 12 hours. If seals remain down after 12 hours they are ready to store in your pantry.


Sweet Dilly Bean Recipe


Strawberry Pie Filling